CADRE media labs at SJSU (A.K.A The digital media art program) is hosting a one week jam on March 13th through the 20th. It’s a one week challenge to create a creative project in your own free time! This isn't a competition, rather it’s a challenge for you to create something that excites you. A creative project that will give you the feeling of accomplishment when you finish it. This is your chance to finish something! Maybe even kick start an idea that you will expand on afterwards.

This is a multi-disciplinary creative jam so you don't have to make a game, but will be using the Game Dev Club Discord server to meet since it's already setup to run jams.

For questions, contact:
Cole: Discord: Mr.Pergerson#1596 | Email:
James: Discord: rubaiyat#3267 | email:


Dates: The Creative Jam starts on March 13th and ends on March 20th.
All meetings for us will be hosted in the Game Dev Club Discord.

03/13: Kick off and Team forming at 3pm in Discord
- talk about theme, pitch ideas, form teams, and optional project management workshop

03/16: Lunch check-in at 11:30pm in Discord
- come by to show off your progress or ask for help

03/17: Late afternoon check-in at 7:30pm in Discord
- come by to show off your progress or ask for help

03/19: Presentation help and check-in in Discor
- get help with presenting your project or get last minute technical help

03/20: Creative Jam End and project presentations at 3pm in Discord
- presentation and conclusion

Sign Up Here!

Follow the steps to join!

  1. First the click the discord button to join the Game Dev Discord. Once you join, follow the instructions to become verified. We will be using this server to meet and communicate during the jam.
  2. Then, sign up via this link: Creative Jam Sign Up

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